Очень под настроение...
boomp3.comА я все пытаюсь понять,что я делаю неправильно..
И не надо снова про время ==
upd: прочитав перевод песни, я только ещё больше убедилась,что она мне нравится...I heard someone say
“If there is love, there’s peace”
and one may agree with that, or not
Whenever I was in pain
you’d hold me closely
And it was in the warmth of those
arms that I felt peace
But then I you stopped talking to you and closed
off my heart, this love was torn apart
This time I don’t
let go off my heart
Because the power of belief
will set love free
When you helped me as a friend
I imagined our future together
And though I saw happiness in store for us
I did’t see my own issues
Though our we said our promises would be our compass
we lost sight of the direction this love was going in
Instead of waiting for a miracle
I want you to hold onto my hand
Because the power of belief
will set me free
You don’t have to fear this love
You don’t have to fear this love,this love
This time I don’t
let go off my heart
Because the power of belief
will set love free
Instead of waiting for a miracle
I want you to hold onto my hand
Because the power of belief
will set me free
на душе..,